February 2-8, 2025
A long dive into frigid temperatures

We are truly in the depths of winter, with long stretches of very cold temperatures and greatly subdued activity in the natural world.
Week in Review
Much of this week was gloomy and cold enough to keep many of us indoors, though a night of significant snow accumulation and several days of brilliant sunshine were a welcome change.

In general, there is very little noticeable activity going with birds and animals around the valley right now, but one change is that it seems like house finches are getting a bit more vocal. I've noticed them sitting in trees and calling, so they're not quite singing yet but it feels like they're getting ready.

I also noticed this at Pearrygin Lake, where large groups of pine grosbeaks are gathering. These birds are very vocal right now and it's a delight to walk around the main campground area and listen to them chattering. You'll notice in the recording below that their calls are sweet but subdued (the sounds of them moving and eating seeds are nearly as loud as their soft calls).
This might be subsong, which is when birds practice their songs at the start of the breeding season but do it quietly and in a nonthreatening way so they don't antagonize each other, or it might just be the excitment and joy of hanging out together.

Despite the overall absence of activity, you'll still find all the usual suspects if you get out on a sunny day. While venturing to Pearrygin Lake yesterday, I noticed a single bald eagle, one lonely California quail struggling in the deep snow, a solitary northern shrike, and a red squirrel. It's not much, but enough to add some excitement to the day.

Observation of the Week: Ice, Snow, and Tracks
Although very few people posted photos of animals in the Methow Nature Notes Facebook group this week, folks were noticing lots of snow and ice formations and animal tracks.

It's especially fun to watch the changing conditions of ice on the river, and the coming week should be even better because several nights are forecast to dip into the negative teens at night, which will likely result in slushy ice floating down the river.

Several years ago, I worked together with Rohan Merrill and Nick McMahan to create a video documenting ice on the river during similar conditions. You may have already seen this, but it's a lovely, long, and slow meditation worth watching again if you have time.
And despite the lack of animal observations, evidence of their passing can be found almost everywhere. Folks have been noticing and commenting on otter slides, the imprints of birds in the snow, and all types of tracks.

River otters travel across deep snow by sliding on their bellies (photo by Patti Rossie), snowshoe hare tracks are among the most common prints we see in the winter (photo by Karen Schmidt)
Finding tracks and snow formations are one reward of getting outside, even on a cold winter day, so I hope this inspires you!